
Showing posts from February, 2021

Being Considerate in your Intimacy

When you get married you have new responsibilities and one of them is making your partner feel loved comforted and good. now it's really important to let your partner know how much you love and care for them while you are making love to them. physical intimacy is very important in marriage. You have to learn to be able to satisfy each others needs. It is also a new thing for some people. Even if it isn't new or you are new to having intimate relationships with other people there is always room for improvement. communication is probably one of the most important aspects of this physical part marriage. However young and inexperienced people tend to think that sex and intimacy is pretty simple. According to therapists you would be surprised my how many people don't feel satisfied or safe or comforted during sex. Sex may be a great experience or activity for fun but it also has a great significance in bringing husband and wife together. if done right it's not only a recreat...

How to have a good marriage.

Marriage is important, fun, exciting, maybe a little scary at first. So how can we prepare and make our marriages stay fun and last and have a good marriage. Well first off preparing for a good marriage comes well before actually getting married. It starts off with who you date and how you date them we kind of already talked about this in one of my previous blogs. It's important to go on many dates many different dates with the same person in order to get to know them in different areas. And once you've done this you can then decide if you feel like you are very compatible with the person or not as compatible. Once you've done this and accepted this person proposed to them the next step would be engagement. Now each one of these steps is really important to successful marriage. A successful engagement would be planning. You want to plan your goals and life missions, where you want to live, your wedding! Also during these stages you want to demonstrate hopefully what you dem...

Date vs. Hanging Out

  So what is the meaning of dating? Well first off we should define what kind of dating it is that we are doing. For me there are at least three types of dating. One is causal dating. Causal dating is having a planned activity where you go out with multiple different people of interest to learn more about them and to make friends and to have a good time. Steady dating is another type dating. It pretty much the same as the causal  dating except you take the same person out every time and you are seeing if you if you want to spend the rest of you life with time. It’s the new courting. The other type of dating is just dating. Which is like causal dating and steady dating all in one. This form of dating is supposedly the healthiest type of dating. It’s like the same type if dating that they did why back when the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing didn’t really existe. When you would date everyone until you decide to court someone. I have my doubts with this system. But that’s for an...

Born Gay?

Did you think that people are just born gay? Now I'm not here to tell you that you or someone you know were or were not born gay. All I'm saying is that there are many different reason why someone could have or suffer from the same sex attraction. Now I am a straight male and I would not want to have a same sex attraction. If you are suffering from an unwanted same sex attraction or don't want to have a same sex attraction there are doctors out there that can help you with this.  One reasons why people can have same sex attraction is bullying. Everybody is different and some boy might not be as strong or as fit as others. They might not like to box or wrestle or to work on cars. They may not like to do quote on quote manly things. As a result of being different their parents or more commonly the father can disown this child because he isn't manly. Fathers or even other peers can put these kids down and call them gay or weak or a pansy or a wimp. As a result of rejection...