Date vs. Hanging Out
So what is the meaning of dating? Well first off we should define what kind of dating it is that we are doing. For me there are at least three types of dating. One is causal dating. Causal dating is having a planned activity where you go out with multiple different people of interest to learn more about them and to make friends and to have a good time. Steady dating is another type dating. It pretty much the same as the causal dating except you take the same person out every time and you are seeing if you if you want to spend the rest of you life with time. It’s the new courting. The other type of dating is just dating. Which is like causal dating and steady dating all in one. This form of dating is supposedly the healthiest type of dating. It’s like the same type if dating that they did why back when the whole boyfriend/girlfriend thing didn’t really existe. When you would date everyone until you decide to court someone. I have my doubts with this system. But that’s for another time and another topic.
Now this brings us to hanging out. What is hanging out? Hanging out is where you just meet up and chill for a while and maybe do something or maybe watch a movie or maybe go and do something. Now the reason why hanging out is just bad is because you kind of just meet up and do whatever. There is no plan, no one is really trying to get to know the others on a deeper level, no creativity, no leadership and it’s just kind of whatever. It’s the lazy way out. Then people just get into this faze of just going and hanging out and eventually this hanging out turn into some sort of bond or connection of we hang out a lot. I guess Ill date you. The problem with this is that, you don’t really get to know the person on a deeper level. You haven’t really done a lot different activities to where you can test each other’s limits and skill or abilities. In Oder to really get to know someone to the point where you want to marry them you need to see that person in different environments. Now I’m not saying that if you marry someone that you haven’t done a million different activities, that your marriage will fail. I’m just say that the more you know about them before you get married the better. Because what if you love camping and she or he hates it? But what if it’s not only camping she doesn’t like what if its a large number of things? Maybe that could start some arguments. I think you get what I’m trying to say. The more you know the more you can tell what you are getting into. However this is not alway the case. I had a brother that met a girl and the exchanged emails and while he was gone for two years. They would write each other once a week and then when he got back he married her three weeks later. He hadn’t taken her on very many dates and he hadn’t see her in very many different situations like camping or hiking. However they have been happily married for almost ten years now. I will say that they did go to marriage counseling a lot to figure out some differences, but now they are very very happy. They were both very committed to make it work. Anyways there is a lot that goes into it. Statistically speaking though life is easier when you are with a person that has similarities and likes what you like. So that brings us back to dating. It’s important to go on different dates to get to know other people in a lot of different areas of life. So live life, be creative, and date often.
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